Do you take the Bible literally?Knowing GodEducation, Knowledge/Understanding, Scholarship, World View/Philosophy, Society, Counseling, Truth/Wisdom
Many women will not die due to anti-abortion laws, but they will be affected though, so there is more to be done.Orphans
Cultural NormsWorld View/Philosophy, Society, Truth/Wisdom, Arts & Media, Politics/Government, Falsehood
Hearts motivation for the poorMinistryPoverty, Society1 Jn 3, Deut 10, Deut 17, Eph 2, 2 Cor 08The poor
Engaging peopleMinistrySociety, PovertyMt 28, Php 2, Lk 15, Jm 1, 1 Cor 01, Lk 06, Lk 03, 2 Cor 08The poor