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My soul clings to you,

Your right hand upholds me.

Getting rid of the elite

Problems are complex and because of sin all solutions are tainted and whatever we do in solving a problem is fraught with unattended consequences. So, when we are discussing ideas and solutions to probems, we must keep this in mind. For example, for solving poverty, some look to capitalism and some to socialism. Capitalism has its woes; Socialism has its dangers. Both have their corrupt people and both have those who want to do good. For those who want to do good, both sides care about the poor, and both sides believe they are giving power to the people. Both have an unattended consequence of creating the elite. Capitalism has its elite and Socialism has its elite. This is human nature. The elite will always justify their position and will use power to keep it. Pride and greed are always present.

We cannot solve poverty or get rid of the elite with Capitalism or Socialism. Though Socialism makes this claim, in reality there is only a switch of one kind of elitism to another form of elitism. You will never have a pure Capitalist society. Nor will a pure Socialist society thrive. I believe it is best to give more power to the people and less to government. My problem with Socialism is that the Bible talks about bringing the poor to your table. This is a very intimate way of caring for the poor. You must be close, clean their wounds, wash their feet. After being a deacon, I realize socialism has wrested that power away from us. As deacons, we wanted to give money to others, but we also wanted to walk with them, not just walk by them and leave them lingering on the roadside. As deacons we were hindered in what we could do because of government interference. What must drive our concern for the poor must be love, not guilt. Using the government as an excuse to walk by without engaging will never work. Love is intimate and must be done with open hands. So, if love is intimate, the question is how do you give more power to the people who are able to love those around them. Voting is one way to have power. Money is another. Neither Socialism or Capitalism will solve this problem, but here is a place for a dialogue to begin.

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