My soul clings to you,Your right hand upholds me.
Because of our sin is more important to us than our spouse, our children, our family, our friends, despite the harm our sin causes, we hold on to it. We hide it, protect it, excuse it. We are experts at defending our worth. Here is the thing: if this is so, why do we think our sin won’t be more important than God when it comes down to the choice of being with Him? And this is where pride destroys us. If we hold on to our sin in the midst of these things, will we let them go for God? Our only remedy is to understand we cannot rescue ourselves from our own entrapment; we must call upon God to rescue us, for we cannot rescue ourselves and must rely on the work and worth of Jesus alone.
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The guards at the tomb would not have spread a rumor, because it would incur severe punishment.