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My soul clings to you,

Your right hand upholds me.

Our foolishness will be exposed

When we stand before God our foolishness will be exposed. What we held on to as wise will shrivel away. We will see it for the foolishness it is. Many of us want to do what is right in our own eyes. We define love in our own way and excuse our hate. We will murder and call it love, for pride is our god. When our hearts are exposed in judgement, our mouths will be shut as our rebellion and pride are exposed. We will understand that we chose in our pride to believe a lie.

Yet for those who will hear God’s call there is hope, those who chose to not rest in their own wisdom, but instead to trust in Jesus making our lot in the wisdom of Jesus. As we rest in him our foolishness is exposed as well and our foolishness becomes evident to all, but not to condemn. Our foolishness is exposed as Jesus works to heal our hearts.

While it is called Today, be exposed as a fool, so that you may know true Wisdom and Love.

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