The guards at the tomb would not have spread a rumor, because it would incur severe punishment.Mt 28Contradictions in the Bible
Are Paul’s Conversion Accounts Contradictory?PaulActs 22, Acts 09, Acts 26Contradictions in the Bible
The day of Jesus’ deathThe Cross, Life of ChristJn 02, Jn 18, Mk 14, Mt 27, Mt 26, Lk 23, Jn 13, Jn 11, Lk 22, Jn 06, Jn 19Contradictions in the Bible
Historical Timeline of Jesus’ Birth in Luke and the Quirinius DilemmaTimelineLife of ChristLk 03, Lk 02, Lk 01Contradictions in the Bible
Many women will not die due to anti-abortion laws, but they will be affected though, so there is more to be done.Orphans
Your goal ought to be to lose an argumentAdversity/Sorrow, Communication, Exhortation, Pride/Self rule, Relationships, Counseling, Wisdom
Our appetites are fickle thingsWorld View/Philosophy, Wisdom, Pride/Self rule, Madness/Foolishness, Fool