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My soul clings to you,

Your right hand upholds me.

Being exposed to questions against the Christian faith

It is our nature to walk by a standard, as if by some innate instinct we are driven to view our world objectively as we try to make sense of this world. We see this in things like science that tries through research and experiment to objectively give us insight into the workings of the universe. Even those who make claims that there is no absolute truth are trying to have a standard by which they interpret the chaos of this world. The Christian faith claims that truth is more than a concept as it is embodied in the person, Jesus. Truth is not something we hold on to, but someone who holds on to us at a deeper more intimate level than all other standards. It is a truth that is unashamed and faces the chaos of this world without fear and stands strong despite all attempts to buffet and knock it down.

I was talking with my child the other day. She was telling me of a situation where she was told by someone that not everyone believes in Jesus. I let her know that she can be assured that I will not conceal this information or these kind of views from her or minimize what others say against the Christian faith. I also let her know it is ok to have questions about the Christian faith. I let her know that unlike those who will say things like this, who are only able to see one side, I will not hide things from her, not only that, I expect her to see both sides (for I have yet to see an atheist or agnostic, even former Christians or Christian leaders or pastors, that are able to articulate the Christian faith and present both sides or something that I recognize as the Christian faith, and they certainly will not teach their children the Christian faith). Nor do I want her to run away or hide in the sand. Unlike the opposition I expect her to have an open mind. I want her to fully understand the strongest arguments against the Christian faith, because we don’t have to fear them. Truth stands when buffeted. I want these ideas to be fully exposed so she can see them for what they are. Unlike those who oppose the Christian faith, it is also important as Christians that we endeavor to listen to the questions people have and understand them so that we can fully address them. We want to talk with people not past them. Atheist only present one side, while Christians by the nature of their call seek to understand both sides so they can clearly present the Gospel to others, meeting them where they are at. Because Truth is a person, it is relational. And because Truth holds us, we don’t have to be afraid of hearing people out and fully understanding their views. And yes, there is Truth, . . . and we know this instinctively as we try to make sense of this world.

But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. (1 Peter 3:14–16, ESV)

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, (2 Corinthians 10:3–5, ESV)

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