My soul clings to you,Your right hand upholds me.
One of the things that hurts me is the segregation that is found in the Church. There is a group for young children. A group for adolescents. A group for college students. A group for young single adults. A group for young married couples. A group for middle aged people. And a group for the elderly.
This is not God’s heart for the church. He has knit us together as a body and we need all the parts coming together. There may be a time and place to separate into these groups, but separation into these groups should be a rarity and not something that is common. If you hang out, make sure you invite people of all ages. Make sure that you seek to be involved as a body in the church and not a segregated group. This takes hard work and it’s a different thinking for this modern age (and this is more of a modern thing). But segregation in the church has never meant to be the norm.
So older people invest in and seek out younger folks. Younger folks pursue the wisdom and encouragement of older people. When you hang out work hard at this and don’t just give into the easy standards of modern thinking.