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- Peter
- Church History, Church governance, Church, Body of Christ (Unity)
- 1 Pt 2, Ps 118, Rm 09, Gal 1, Jn 06, 2 Cor 05, Is 28, Mt 16, Acts 04, Eph 2, Rev 21, Dan 2, Eph 4, Is 08, Mt 07, Mt 21, 1 Cor 03, Mk 12, Hb 12, Lk 20
- Disciplines, Body of Christ (Unity)
- Maturity, Sanctification, Obedience, Pursuit of Holiness, Hope, Salvation, Fight/Growth, Glorification, Repentance, Faith
- Knowing God
- Weakness, Encouragement, Exhortation, Relationships
- Ps 001, 1 Cor 01, Ps 051, Jn 04, Col 1, Is 66, Ps 063, Pr 27, Ps 141, Ps 073, Eph 4, Col 3, Ps 147, Php 3, Is 57, Rm 07, Jn 17, Gen 03, 1 Cor 13, Is 30, Pr 14, Hb 12, Mt 11, 2 Cor 11, Ps 032, Gal 3, Jn 06, Ps 034, 1 Jn 3