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My soul clings to you,

Your right hand upholds me.

I have heard the argument from those who disagree with Calvinism, that they feel like this notion of God choosing us, makes us into robots, and they don’t believe that God would do that. This statement, however, shows a misunderstanding of what Calvinism is, because there is no way that one would use this argument if they understood the premises of Calvinism. This statement becomes a straw man in an attempt to knock down a notion they feel uncomfortable with.

On the contrary from making us robots, Calvinism states that God so loved us that He came to us when we were enemies, enslaved, and dead, or you might say we were lifeless, our choices were enslaved to sin, and we were in some ways “robotic” in our nature. God came to us in this state and gave us life making a new creature, through His spoken word. Someone who is alive. So on the contrary of making us “robotic”, God has taken the believer from death into an abundant, joyous life, that is fully animated, and full of intense love and desire and choice to be together. A true Calvinist is not a stoic, but a diehard romantic.

I can say this my choice for God was real, and it is freer than the choices made as an unbeliever.

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