Hearts motivation for the poorMinistrySociety, Poverty1 Jn 3, Deut 10, Deut 17, Eph 2, 2 Cor 08The poor
Daily life, we love the poorMinistrySociety, PovertyMic 6, Ps 072, Lk 10, Is 48, Lk 09, 1 Pt 4, Ec 11, Pr 19, Lk 03, Job 31, Tit 2The poor
Love for the poor commandedMinistrySociety, PovertyLk 10, 1 Cor 06, Pr 21, Pr 28, Lev 25, Deut 15, Is 58, Jm 1, Mic 6The poor
Kingdom of the poorMinistrySociety, PovertyIs 61, Rm 03, Lk 16, Rm 05, Col 1, Is 55, 2 Cor 08, Deut 15The poor
Polarizing views and the otherMinistry, LeadershipGlory of GodSociety, Relationships, Life, Holiness, Truth/Wisdom, Communication, ExhortationIs 66
Men who understand the timesSociety, Relationships, Humility/Vulnerable, Truth/Wisdom, Education, Knowledge/Understanding1 Tim 2, 1 Chr 12