We are a rebellious peopleSanctification, Pursuit of Holiness, idolatryThe WordCounseling, Spiritual WarfareJm 5, Hb 04, Jn 03, Jm 2, Duet 09
The day before the throneWrath, The Cross, ResurectionDeath1 Kg 02, Gen 02, Ex 19, Gen 03, Rev 20, Mt 11, 2 Sam 14, 2 Pt 3, Ps 032, Rm 10, Hb 04, Rev 22, Ex 33Hidden God in an evil world
The power of the WordMinistryEvangelism/Discipleship, GospelSon (Jesus)Speech1 Cor 01, Hb 11, Ps 033, 2 Pt 3, Rm 10