God will give us more than we can handlePrayerSanctification, FaithGod's LoveHumility/Vulnerable, Adversity/Sorrow, Weakness
Preaching the Gospel through God’s love for usEvangelism/Discipleship, Gospel, SanctificationGod's LoveRelationships, Weakness1 Jn 3
Polarizing views and the otherMinistry, LeadershipGlory of GodHoliness, Truth/Wisdom, Communication, Exhortation, Society, Relationships, LifeIs 66
Christianity is not exclusiveGospel, Sovereign GraceSon (Jesus), God's LoveSociety, Truth/Wisdom, Compassion/LoveMt 26, Lk 22
The Gospel is for the believer – Part 10Sovereign GraceGlory of God, God's LoveHoliness, Compassion/LoveRev 04, Zech 03, 1 Cor 01The Gospel is for the believer
The Gospel is for the believer – Part 8Body of Christ (Unity)SanctificationGod's LoveCompassion/Love2 Tim 3, 1 Cor 02, Is 66NakedThe Gospel is for the believer
The Gospel is for the believer – Part 6Sanctification, GospelGod's LovePs 121, Mt 08The Gospel is for the believer
The Gospel is for the believer – Part 4Sovereign Grace, GospelGod's LoveCompassion/LoveGal 3, 1 Cor 01, Hb 12, Gen 15, Rm 04, Jer 34, Hb 08The Gospel is for the believer