My soul clings to you,Your right hand upholds me.
Good News, not good advice

- Body of Christ (Unity), Disciplines
- Salvation, Fight/Growth, Glorification, Repentance, Faith, Maturity, Sanctification, Obedience, Pursuit of Holiness, Hope
- Knowing God
- Encouragement, Exhortation, Relationships, Weakness
- Col 3, Ps 147, Php 3, Is 57, Rm 07, Jn 17, Gen 03, 1 Cor 13, Is 30, Pr 14, Hb 12, Mt 11, 2 Cor 11, Ps 032, Gal 3, Jn 06, Ps 034, 1 Jn 3, Ps 001, 1 Cor 01, Ps 051, Jn 04, Col 1, Is 66, Ps 063, Pr 27, Ps 141, Ps 073, Eph 4