My soul clings to you,Your right hand upholds me.
I believe in taking ideas and putting them in a gladiator match and seeing who survives. I am not easy with or handle Christian beliefs gently. I ask hard questions. And if we are pursuing truth, we ought to be willing to ask the hard questions and be willing to be proven wrong. Every time the Bible has decimated any competition. My faith in the scripture is not a blind faith, but a faith with substance. I am not saying this proves I am right. It doesn’t. But I do not say lightly that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And after seeing more battles in the gladiator field than I could ever count, I am confident that the foundation cannot be moved. And then we could talk about the love of God. And to know that, to be pursued by it, to be held by it. Sure, we all come to our ideas of what wisdom, enlightenment, understanding, and truth by faith, whoever we are. That is why there are so many ideas of what this is. I have chosen to believe and have faith, not in the concept or idea of Truth, but in the One who claims to be Truth. This is a very radical claim. And one that doesn’t make us comfortable, because if this claim is true, then we are no longer left to our own concepts of what truth, enlightenment, wisdom, understanding, and love are. We must submit to the one who defines all that is good, beautiful, and love. I don’t expect others to agree, but the weight of this implication is important.