“and on this rock”PeterChurch, Body of Christ (Unity), Church History, Church governanceMt 16, Acts 04, Eph 2, Rev 21, Dan 2, Eph 4, Is 08, Mt 07, Mt 21, 1 Cor 03, Mk 12, Hb 12, Lk 20, 1 Pt 2, Ps 118, Rm 09, Gal 1, Jn 06, 2 Cor 05, Is 28You are Peter
You are Peter, . . .PeterChurch History, Church governance, Church, Royal PriesthoodEvangelism/DiscipleshipSon (Jesus)Mt 17, Mt 16You are Peter
Polarizing views and the otherMinistry, LeadershipGlory of GodExhortation, Society, Relationships, Life, Holiness, Truth/Wisdom, CommunicationIs 66
Segregation in the churchChurch, Body of Christ (Unity), LeadershipEducation, Community, Relationships
Preaching with people, not at peoplePreaching/Teaching, MinistryEvangelism/DiscipleshipRelationships, Humility/Vulnerable, CommunicationMk 02
Doctrine of brothers and sistersChurch, Body of Christ (Unity), LeadershipRelationships, Humility/VulnerablePr 27, 1 Cor 13