My soul clings to you,Your right hand upholds me.
Unicorns and fairies
If we were suddenly in a world where unicorns and fairies were common, they would in short order lose their novelty as we went about our every day life. We…
If we were suddenly in a world where unicorns and fairies were common, they would in short order lose their novelty as we went about our every day life. We…
Not pursuing goodness with all our might do to fear of legalism keeps us from God’s riches just as does finding our worth in pursuing law and perfectionism. Both come…
When God says that He will not give His glory to another, this means there is no glory, no goodness we have to offer. There is nothing I have to…
Among other men, sin is so small of a thing, and yet we our slow to give grace, when we are wronged. But before God our sin is insurmountable, and…
We are often more worried about missing God, instead of trusting and having faith that He will uphold us and be there when we do miss Him.
As I grow older, I have learned adventure is not always found where adventure is; I have found that adventure is found in faithfulness, and that more than I could…
God’s heart is not to reach the world through “great” men, but through faithful men; the normal everyday people bringing people to Christ.