My soul clings to you,Your right hand upholds me.
“He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.”
The root of divorce, the tensions, and our struggles in marriage are our hard hearts. We refuse to surrender to the Word. We are skeptical and don’t have faith in God’s grand vision of marriage, trusting in our own desires instead. We refuse to surrender to ourselves and demand that our visions and will and view of the world rule.
A marriage brings together two messed up sinners, who need the word of God spoken into their lives. The battle for marriage is a battle to lose oneself and to trust in a God who deeply loves us. As we trust and cast our lives on God, believing the Gospel, and letting it penetrate into who we are, we will begin to be captivated by the image of the portrayal of Christ and the Church. This is the pursuit that makes marriage grand.
As a body, we must be speaking this truth into each other’s lives. Our sinful natures battle this truth with in us. We are so prone to wonder. But while it is called, Today, let us not forsake encouraging each other, reminding each other that the beauty of the Kingdom is breaking through and is more real than anything in our imagination or skepticism.