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My soul clings to you,

Your right hand upholds me.

Miykael Sehleon

Miykael Sehleon

Words Matter


    God puts much value on the spoken word.  And we are to trust God at His word. Sometimes His word is all we have. Not a hint of what God speaks is untrue or unworthy. Through His word the…

Husbands love your wife well

love well

The Bible compares the love and admiration and romance of marriage to the bond that that Christ and the Church have. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her…

Polarizing views and the other


When it comes to theological conflicts, so many people can only see a jilted perspective on the issue. They become reactionary and polarized and full of false assumptions, even if they are right on a point. The actual truth is…

Living in Abundance

washing hand

“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be…

Training a woman for a career

woman and career

I was listening to a sermon, today, about raising daughters. One of the points of the sermon was how in our culture the focus is to train women for a career. Even in homes where it is believed that the…

Belief and life

Sandy Yes

There are times, that when you speak about your belief in the Word of God, that you will get a hardy “yes”. But if you live out what the Word of God says, often that hardy “yes” disappears.


sheep herd

I think we are so quick in our lives, in business, in our homes, and in ministry to do things by the world’s conventions. How does the world say it works? How do we make a living? How do we…

Boast in the Lord

Cross alone

There is no pride as you grow in maturity as a Christian. Often it is the more mature who are the greater sinners, since the more you understand, the more you are held to account, and the greater the sin.…