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My soul clings to you,

Your right hand upholds me.

Miykael Sehleon

Miykael Sehleon

Holding onto our world

holding on to your world

It is in our nature to hold on to our world view or to be conformed to the world’s viewpoint. “Worldly wisdom” becomes our refuge for it doesn’t call us to die. It is a scary thing to have our…

Good conflict


Good conflicts pursue truth and honesty, bad conflicts argue for victory and defend self-worth. Good conflicts pursue understanding and truth, bad conflicts accuse without listening or knowing the other person.

With us in reality

feet walking together at beach

God has not called us to attain some super ethereal spiritual enlightenment. No new age mystical, science fiction, or gnostic experience will attain fullness of life or ultimate good. No, God lives in reality, with us. We see this in…

Stubbornness vs conviction


Stubbornness is blinding and unwilling to be corrected or to listen, restrictive, in-compassionate, and destructive, it does not understand its standing with with God. Conviction is open minded, willing to be corrected and to listen, is compassionate, and brings freedom…

Wisdom is legalism?

never stop learning

Sometimes we call wisdom “legalism” simply because we don’t feel good at it and have issues with our identity and don’t understand our identity in Christ. Wisdom is freedom.

Assuming the worst

lion and girl

It is better to assume the best in people and later find out that you were wrong, then it is to assume the worst in people and later find out that you were wrong. A lot of miscommunication occurs because…