My soul clings to you,Your right hand upholds me.
If you are in an argument, your default position should be that you are wrong. Pride and the need to be right blind us to the truth. We can’t see past our own thoughts. We can’t coherently hear others. Pursuing our own worth is detrimental to ourselves and others. Not having to be right allows us to truly listen to the arguments being made on the other side. Humility means you are no longer trying to defend your worth. This kind of attitude creates a heart where truth is prominent rather than your opinion. You get excited when people prove that you are wrong, because you learn something new and beautiful, and you grow as a person. It creates a heart of gratitude for being proven wrong. It also creates confidence when you are right, because you have truly listened to points on the other side and you understand fully why you take the position you have. Your position is not based on your worth, are you trying to desperately hold on to your ideas, but an eagerness to be proven wrong.
God’s word gives us the confidence and the freedom to not feel shaken and be open minded and not be afraid. I have confidence that God’s word is absolutely true because it has been proven and I have experienced it to be stronger than the world. Do not think that the word of God is afraid of the arguments of the world. The word of God is a roaring lion, it doesn’t run away from the arguments of this evil age. It faces them head on and tears them apart, because of this we can be patient, kind, loving, and good listeners. We can rest in his might.